Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Conspiracy Theories...

Illuminati, Inside Job, Aliens, UFO, 9-11...

Conspiracy theories seem to be everywhere in the American Culture today.  For many, these theorists who are toting these ideas are often labeled as outsiders, lunatics, extremists, or Tea Party members.  While some of these labels may be true, as are some of their theories, there is far more going on in the American Government and Politics than the masses seem to know or even care about.

In my last post, I walked through a synopsis of the past 20 years of American politics to show how far we have evolved or deevolved depending upon your perspective.  Our national debt is out of control, we owe more than we tax, new laws are being made from judicial benches - contrary to Constitutional Law, many elected officials are operating under Marxist ideology rather than representing the public who elected them - enacting their own ideals, agenda, and will on the people - to name a few of the issue facing our country today.

While I was only alive during that last part of this time, I remember in History classes hearing and reading about the Cold War Era and Senator McCarthy's (not alive for this part) witch hunt for Communists in America - it was like trying to uncover the members of the Illuminati... you can only really find the low-level members. While I am not condoning the approach or tactics used in this pursuit, however it makes one long for the days that someone would stand up against the waves of political change which is so foreign to the history and foundations of America.

Today, as we see the Supreme Court, in essence, making law from the bench, or worse yet, openly and admittedly disregarding the US Constitution as just "words" that get in the way of progress. Whether you are for their decisions or against them, every American should be concerned and have a healthy fear of what is taking place - the Inside Job!

The sitting president has made numerous claims that he is not the "emperor" of the United States, but later declared that he would work around Congress using his "pen and phone" if he did not see them working fast enough or the way he thinks is appropriate.  Using his pen and phone, he has illegally allowed Aliens (for the more PC minded - Undocumented Workers or Citizens) into the US and disregarded and refused to enforce existing laws meant to protect American Citizens and make a legal pathway to become a citizen something to be earn, loved, and respected.

The US Congress has spent the past few years throwing temper tantrums, like school children on the playground, when they don't get their party-line way.  They spend more time seeking loopholes and end-a-rounds to laws and policy than they do upholding and creating laws and policy that will help the American people.  They are often found padding Bills with waste, "pork," and UFO's (Unidentified Fiscal Objects) for their favorite causes and kick-backs rather than seeking to be fiscally responsible with the People's money.

I believe it is time to call 911 - it truly is becoming an emergency!!  It is time for "We the People..." to call for a change - to demand a stop to this breakdown in our national government.  Change can only happen if the people demand it - then do something about it.  I am not talking about a gripe session in the breakroom or a political debate between neighbors, I am talking about a fundamental change in the apathy of American Citizens.  We have become politically fat and lazy, and find it is easier to check a box in favor of a political mouthpiece to take care of things for us than it is to stand up for what is right and to take action individually.

Remember the difference between a Republic and a Democracy...  It is either about the Individual or about the Mob. It is either about what is right now or what is left over.

Monday, June 29, 2015

The American Republic - Is It Long Gone?

July 2015... 

Nearly 239 years since the Declaration of Independence was signed.

The United States of America looks starkly different than it did in those humble beginnings.  55 of the founding fathers (52 were active church members) met for one purpose, to declare an end to the tyranny of the Throne of England, and to establish a free nation where religious beliefs could be expressed without the fear of the State controlled Church of England, and where the rule of law was established to maximize individual freedoms and limit government.

America was first established as a Confederacy - Articles of Confederation, November 15, 1777 - however due to a lack of agreement and strength of a centralized federal government, this first Constitution as abolished and replaced by the current United States Constitution  - March 4, 1789 - after only 11+ years.  The "United" States were too loosely united and needed a more structured way to govern the citizens.

The Constitution was established as the Rule of Law for our federal government both ensuring the rights and limitations of the 3 co-equal branches of government.  Not one branch was greater than the others, not one had the power of the others.  Clear and distinct lines were drawn establishing a nearly perfected check-and-balance to corruption.  The United States was reestablished as a Representative Republic - not a Democracy.  There was never an amendment to make this change, nor was there a vote in Congress that approved such a change... so why then are we call the American Democracy? Why are we trying to promote Democracy around the world - example the Middle East and the Arab Spring failures and debacle

To ensure that the citizens' rights were not violated and to protect them from a corrupt government, the Bill of Rights - September 25, 1789 - was drafted.  While it originally proposed 12 amendments to the Constitution, only numbers 3-12 were adopted and ratified thus leaving us with the 10 original rights listed on the Bill.  Today 27 amendments are listed, however the 18th was repealed by the 21st.

Three of these four documents continue to guide, direct, and govern the people of the United States.  These documents, the very foundations of our country, are the Rule of Law for out land.  It is my assertion that they need to be heeded, respected, and followed to ensure the continuation of the nation known as America.

In the past 20 years, citizens have seen dramatic changes to their country, their individual rights, and foundations of their country.  3 Presidents, with 3 dramatically different governing styles and personal agendas, have carved out a new national landscape power similar to a glacer, yet with much more speed.  The lines that once separated the 3 branches have been blurred and even spraypainted over by corruption, personal and political agendas, and class-warfare.

In 1995, the national debt ballooned to an unheard of $5.5 trillion and at the end of the Clinton presidency, was nearing $8 trillion. Clinton's legacy will forever be clouded by his impeachment, Monica Lewinsky, and other scandals, but despite all of this, he found a way to unite the political parties to work together, even if it was not all Constitutionally right for the citizens.

When the Bush presidency was finally established, America was attacked and life changed for everyone.  War began the mainstay for the remainder of his terms; this one negative overshadows all the other negatives and positive of his presidency.  Bush was a president of the people however, and was generally seen as someone who cared about the citizens and military personnel, yet he signed Bills into Law such as the Patriot Act and authorized surveillance by the NSA - both anti-Constitutional.  The debt ceiling and debt increased dramatically to around $10-12 trillion.  

Obama presidency began with a large degree of negative carryover from the previous administration.  Unfortunately, Obama has spend a majority of his presidency bad-mouthing the previous administration, undoing the work of the same, and "fundamentally changing America."  He has succeeded in what he has set out to do.  Despite the fact that he swore to uphold and defend the Constitution - and reportedly was a Constitutional Law expert - he has openly defied this document both violating his oath of office and his responsibility to the citizens.  Mired in countless scandals, Obama has doubled down on his agenda for the remainder of his terms.  The national debt is currently surpassing $18 trillion as I write this blog post.  That is approximately $57,000 of personal debt responsibility for each and every legal citizen of the United States.

America is merely a decaying shell of its former glory.  Oh how far has this once great nation has fallen from its humble roots.  How long before this rapid decent will find a tragic and violent halt?

The United State was and needs to remain a Representative Republic - not a Democracy!  "A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the Constitution).   A democracy is direct government ruled by the majority (mob rule).   A Republic recognizes the inalienable rights of individuals while democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs (the public good)" (quoted from Citizens for Constitutional Government website).  When did we allow the mob to rule over individually guaranteed rights?  When did the likes of the race-baiters, gay activists, and PETA get the ear of our government over the will of the people?

Today, as you observe the moral, economic, and fiscal decay of this great country, remember that it has been the choices of the elite few who are molding and shaping the decay.  It is, however, the ignorance of the citizens, who are electing and allowing these few to succeed.  

I believe that America is not to-far-gone to recover from this erosion, but it will take the citizens to once again fight off the tyranny of a government that is oppressing them and stealing their rights.  I believe that there are many who are out there who are willing to fight, but I fear, still veiled in hope that I am wrong, that too many have given up and still others are content to be the proverbial rats pushing the button to get there government handout food pellet.

May I be wrong... and May God forever bless America!